Overpayments and Repayments
Impact of Over-payments and Repayments
If you have an outstanding over-payment with the Department of Social Protection in relation to any previous/other Social Welfare claims, i.e. you owe them any monies, up to 15% of any Basic SWA payment you receive can be deducted automatically at source, without your permission or approval, to recover the monies owed to the Department. For a single person aged 25 and over a deduction of up to €34.50 (15%) can be made from the €230 weekly payment.
This deduction can only be made from your personal rate of payment, i.e. €230, and not from any payment for your spouse / cohabitant / civil partner or child dependant. In practice, the Department of Social Protection will assess each case individually and based on any extenuating circumstances apply an appropriate recovery rate up to the maximum rate.
Aidan Kelly