Basically Weekly SWA Payment
Basic Weekly SWA Payment
You can apply for this payment if your weekly assessable income is less than the SWA rate appropriate for your family size, and where you can also satisfy a standard means test. You can receive a Basic SWA payment for yourself, your spouse/cohabitant/civil partner, and any qualifying dependent children if you fall into one of these situations:
You have applied for a Social Welfare payment appropriate to your circumstances and are awaiting processing/a decision on your claim and have insufficient means to meet your needs. You will only be paid the difference between your current level of assessable weekly income and the appropriate rate of SWA for your family size
You are seeking a Review of a decision by a Deciding Officer in relation to your Social Welfare payment
You are formally appealing a decision/refusal of an application for a payment by the DSP to the Social Welfare Appeals Office
The payment rates are:
25+ €230.00 (Maximum Personal) €154.00 (Adult Dependant) €46 (Child Dependant under 12) €54 (Child Dependant 12 and over)
18-24 living independently €230.00 (Maximum Personal) €154.00 (Adult Dependant) €46 (Child Dependant under 12) €54 (Child Dependant 12 and over)
18-24 not living independently €141.70 (Maximum Personal) €141.70 (Adult Dependant) €230.00
There is no automatic entitlement to a basic weekly SWA payment while awaiting the outcome of a review by the DSP/formal appeal to the SWA Office.
Reduced rates of Supplementary Welfare Allowance for claimants under 25 years of age do not apply to:
people with dependent children
certain children leaving the care of the Child and Family Agency (TUSLA) aged 18+ or who were in the care of the HSE during the 12 months before reaching 18 years of age
Aidan Kelly